๐ŸถHowling Dogs

this game is already part of the interactive fiction canon!

Buy Porpentine's Twine game collection here; the games also have director's notes this way! Neon Haze has a similar cyberpunk mental illness theme; there are some other fun ones in there too. Play Howling Dogs and at least one other Porpentine game.

Howling Dogs is the 2012 selection in 50 Years of Text Games. Find the PDF in our course documents, or see the free original article that was posted online in its online reference guide. It mentions Porpentine's Twine Manifesto, that Porpentine has since distanced herself from, but is still a good way to understand where she's coming from in Howling Dogs.

This is an overview of the climate in games when Twine first came out, but it has kind of an outsider, journalist perspective:

One of the books that inspired me to start writing games was written around this time: Rise of Videogame Zinesters by Anna Anthropy. This review of the book gives an overview of it.

Interview with Porpentine:

Last updated