Link Styles
playing around with it!
Read "On Links Exercises in Style"
Practice using different link styles and different lengths of "lexia". Write a short paragraph that has some things in it and some things doing things, and some moving around. If you are having a hard time, you can use this one:
I searched the library catalog for the book I needed on ghosts. I was excited to find that it was in the library! But when I went to the shelf, I couldn't find it. I asked a librarian to help me, and she said that book is constantly disappearing. She found it on one of the chairs at the study table.
Practice what you learned about in the article. Devise at least five different ways of breaking up your "story" into passages (the article calls them "lexia"), and another five ways of linking. Link them all from an initial hub passage in a single Twine game to make it easier for us to see. I will link to instructions in the Harlowe manual for how to do them below.
Changing which word (or part of a word) is linked doesn't need special instructions.
Cycling link: this lets you cycle through various options. You can bind a variable to it (i.e., remember which option the player stopped on), but you can't call that variable until the next passage.
Sequence link: like cycling link, but ends.
Link-reveal: like sequence link only it just changes to one thing. I think.
Link-repeat: adds on to the link or to a variable.
Click-append: changes a link into more text on the same page.
the action macro lets you trigger a link with a mouseover.
the transition macro lets you change how links appear, like animations. They are a little cheesy to play around with, but can make good effects when used at the right time in a game.
if you are up for a challenge, try to use the replace macro with a timer.
I'm not sure how to get the shimmer effect mentioned in the link style article (which is like the inverse of cycling-link: it's automatically changing and you click on it to stop it).
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